Our Process
Financial Foresight are keen to take advantage of any and all advances in technology. However we are equally keen to make sure our processes retain the personal touch. We prefer to have face to face discussions with clients about their personal finances. A meeting may not be necessary at each review, but whenever possible we prefer to explain our recommendations face to face and confirm thereafter in writing.
New Enquiries
The first briefing/scoping meeting is at our expense. It gives new clients the opportunity to meet us and view our offices and operation. It also gives us the opportunity to explain how we work and ascertain if there are any areas where we may be of service.
There have been many changes in society, the market and financial services since we started in 1982. However our core philosophy has remained unchanged as we continue to:
a) Treat people as we would wish to be treated.
b) Strive at all times to be "a firm you can rely on".