There are so many changes of regulations governing pensions, life
insurance, taxation and investments that busy people have no time
to plan their financial affairs properly.
are many companies, large and small, to advise on these matters.
Why should you use JMS Finacial Planning in preference to any
other company?
Firstly, we have the advantage of being Independent Financial Advisers
with access to all companies for a tailor made package to suit the
Secondly, there is that most important of all assets: personal
service. We not only cover the full range of financial services
but we suit your particular needs, in your time and, if preferable,
in your home/office.
We can also set up comprehensive briefings on any financial subject,
either individually or on a group basis.
For a free consultation, without obligation, contact one of our
offices. We look forward to being of service to you.
Photo: The Team
at James M Smyth Life & Pensions
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